ECN2 motion picture film processor


Considering the renewed interest in shooting on film that has, over the last years, rose to unprecedented heights in the digital age, we have started working on a new project.

After the resurgence of film photography, we have also noticed a substantial comeback of film cinematography. At the same time, we also realized that the lack of machinery to properly handle motion picture film processing is slowing down both the people that want to shoot on film as well as the people that would like to offer development services.

This pushed us toward the development of a new ECN2 motion picture film processor that could fill the void in the market. Our goal is to design a processor that is capable of producing the same perfect results of the tried and tested film processors of the past that are still running today. At the same time, we also want to equip our processor with all the features you expect from modern industrial machinery, such as touch screen displays, tightly integrated and configurable control system and connectivity.

We want to start from an ECN2 processor as ECN2 film is the most common type of film stock used for motion picture. Anyway, in the future we plan to build on this experience to also expand the lineup and provide processors for E6, B&W and ECP2 as well.


Our processor will sport all modern features expected from a high-end industrial machine, ready for production:

  • Processing speed: the default speed of our processor is 400 m/h (~1310 ft/h). Speed is constantly monitored and adjusted to match the expected 400 m/h speed.
  • Film formats: 16mm and 8mm are supported, even in the same processing session without adjustments (except for replenishment rates).

  • Optional 35mm support: if needed, it’s also possible to configure the processor from the factory to develop 35mm film. Anyway, film speed must be lowered to 200 m/h (instead of 400 m/h), due to physical limitations.

  • Film transport: film transport is handled by stepper motors, film rollers are all internally spring-loaded to allow for a temporary increase in film tension while transport starts. Roller racks are removable for easier cleaning

  • Film cassettes: our custom film cassettes can hold reels of spliced film up to 35cm in diameter (more than 1000ft of film), special reels for leader film are available as well.

  • Dimensions: our processor tries to be as compact as possible. It’s composed of two semi-independents units, the main processor and the replenishment unit. The footprint of the main procesing unit is 2,280×0,980 m.

  • Power consumption: our processor works with 220V single-phase power (50 or 60 Hz). It has a peak power consumption 7KW, only during the initial heating phase.

  • Remjet removal: the remjet removal stage is equipped with water jet sprayers and soft rotary buffer rollers. This combination ensures complete remjet removal.

  • Film buffers: 3 minutes of changeover time is guaranteed, both on the feed side and on the rewind side. Warning lights and sound alarms warn the user when time to reload the film is running out.
  • Continuous processing: having film buffers on both feed and rewind sides allows continuous operations with no downtime when new film reels must be reloaded or already developed ones must be unloaded.
  • Chemistry filters: filters are submerged in the chemistry tanks and don’t require external housing, replacing them only requires the user to pull out the old cartridge and insert the new one.

  • Overflow waste management: each chemistry tank has a dedicated overflow outlet that can be routed where you need to best suit you waste management needs.

  • Replenishment chemistry: replenishment is automatically managed by the control unit, peristaltic pumps guarantee extremely precise control over replenishment chemistry flow rate. Level sensors warn you when the chemistry in one of the replenishment tanks must be refilled.
  • Chemistry agitation and temperature control: chemistry is always agitated by circulation pumps. The color developer tank is equipped with a more powerful pump and submerged sprayers to ensure proper agitation. Each chemistry tank is equipped with its own heater and temperature control loop.
  • Control system: the processor is controlled by a state-of-the-art PLC-based control system. Along with physical push buttons for start and stop operations, a large 9-inch touch display is also present to show sensor data, relevant information during processing and to allow easier configuration.


If what you’ve seen on this page is interesting for you and for your business and you would like to know more, don’t hesitate and get in touch with us.

We’ll be happy to answer all your questions and we’ll welcome your suggestions. Write us an email using the green button and we’ll reply as soon as possible.